Our Comic Books
Here is our library of comic books. Some are available now and some are a work in progress coming soon. Head to each of our titles' individual pages for more details about the overall story, sample pages from the individual issues, as well as where and how you can get your own copies in print and in digital formats.
Valor: Myths and Legends
The first run of our comic books, Valor is a medieval fantasy story about a young man overcoming the obstacles of heroism and knighthood to learn the true story of his family's origin. Ethan Caine was said to be the greatest knight in the land. He was the devoted guardian and trusted adviser of the king. However, one night Ethan Caine mysteriously disappeared and the royal family was assassinated. Rumors grew and Ethan was soon to blame. As Ethan's son Griffon grew older he refused to believe the rumors of his father's guilt. Now a young knight in training, Griffon seeks to learn the truth behind his father's mysterious past and become worthy of his legend. Follow Griffon on his many adventures throughout this on-going series as he meets trusted allies, deadly foes, and uncovers a devious conspiracy surrounding his father's legend and the very origin of the kingdom.
Layla's Grand Adventure
The first children's line of our comic books, Layla's Grand Adventure comes in English and Spanish versions. Layla's Grand Adventure is the story of a mischievous beaver living alone in the woods. She has no one to depend on but also no one to depend on her, and that's just how she likes it. One day in the midst of a great winter storm, a small raccoon named Charlie loses his way and seeks shelter in Layla's house in the base of a large tree. Never one to trust anyone, Layla has no choice but to step out of her comfort zone and help the little raccoon get home. A small hike in the woods turns into a grand adventure. Follow along with Layla and Charlie as they travel the woods, help those in need and make the most unlikeliest of friends.